I suspect this poem is what triggered the Chair's "final" posting. One of his best, I thought. Good and punchy, and introduced several dating concepts that haven't been overworked on Seinfeld and Sex and the City, and are relevent to life in Ottawa.
Fourth Dwarf's Place for Solitary Reflection
"witty and smug" - Harmony
"Clever" - Agatha
"Nicely done" - Francis Heaney
"I'm completely in agreement with Dwarfie..." - Westborowag
"hmmm, yes another astute analysis by the Dwarf..." - Siren
"Grumpy" - 5th Muse
"4th Dwarf, your illustration is endearing indeed" - fingers
"I like your drawings" - Lucy
"why is my snout shaped like a very stubby missile nose cone? " - Coyote
"you should draw more often" - Lucy
Hey 4th Dwarf, why don't you write more comments about Coyote's poems? I write silly comments there all the time, because I like the poems!
I like your drawings.
Wow! Lucy, I'm all flustered that you like my drawings.
Here is why I don't write many comments about Coyote's poems:
1) We have friends who would give us a hard time if I was always leaving him comments saying "good one, Coyote!"
2) So, I tell him when I see him that I like them.
3) If I start commenting on his poems, other people might expect me to comment on their poems. Including people who write poems that I don't understand but apparently are important works of literature.
4) Have you ever noticed that sometimes, Coyote writes a perfect poem and then there's a comment that causes him to write a really long comment in reply that explains all sorts of stuff? I like to preserve the mystery.
Hey I just saw what others have said about you, you've written things I said about your drawings. It makes me feel I said some very important things (sitting up straight!) since it's in a list, now. (har har!).
I do hope I am not one of those people who make Coyote or any other poet write out long explanatory notes. Although, I have enjoyed one of those on Coyote's blog.
Do you write poetry too?
I know what you mean by those apparently important literary works that fly way above one's head. Sigh
I think you should draw more often.
(I have this habit of not writing everything in one go and remembering other things that I wanted to write, later on. Hence the number of comments from me increases. I've done this often on Coyote's blog too. I hope to mend it, but in the interim, do bear with it.)
I smile now.
Lucy, you may leave as many comments as you like. They will always be welcome.
I write bitingly, insightful social commentary, but, alas, I am not a poet.
I actually draw quite a lot, but the other students in my astronaut classes think it strange when I bring out my little pencil crayons during lectures.
Why do they think it funny? Don't they know, pencil stubs are precious, discreet, indispensible tools?
Do post more drawings. Infact, if you have something about jazz, would you please leave it on my blog?
Thanks already and cheerio.
Actually, fingers, I don't think my classmates do appreciate the indispensibility of coloured pencils.
But I think even you would find my little set funny.
Why would I find it funny? Do you have a picture of your set of pencils?
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