I'm struck by
yesterday's posting from 5M. She's chided me in the past for suggesting that depression might be a factor in her life. Yet it seems that a problem that is costing her $50 a month has made her unable to write in her blog. My mind leaps to depression as the reason this makes her not write, but perhaps it's red hot anger? $50 a month is worth paying attention to, I'll agree, but making one unable to blog?
Yesterday, she walked to Sandy Hill and got blisters. She mentions that R did not tell her how far they were walking. Perhaps R assumed as I would that 5M would not own a pair of shoes that would injure her while doing what is ostensibly their designed purpose. If I was writing the DSM-V, I'd put a disorder in for that, but I'd be excoriated for my sexist bias.
Aye aye Dwarf, where've you gone?
No where I'd like to be. Astronaut School is tough on an old guy like me.
I'd comment on 5M's doings, but after all this time, talking about M fills me with ennui.
I'm surprised she hasn't asked Minty to help her with the bills. Minty seems very up to date on organizing methods. (Perhaps that's why she likes making bags and straps so much.) And for stuff like 5M is doing, sometimes it just helps to have someone in the room with you sipping a glass of wine while you tackle the problem.
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