It's been an eventful week for the muse. This morning she writes of saying farewell to the kitties. Breaks my heart, it does. I'm tempted to swoop over to the Humane Society and take those little critters home myself. But a space capsule is no place for a cat. Mice, hamsters and monkeys perhaps, but cats need gravity.

I just had a look at the Humane Society's
Adoption page. Lily and Simon don't seem to have made it there yet. This little gal, Peach, is making me think perhaps she could be thinking I'm wrong about cats reaching for the stars. Do you suppose she dreams of asteroid mining the way I do?
Back to Musie, imagine our surprise when she arrived at the Halloween party dressed as Coyote with
Rchie in tow!

Our mistake. When she said "New York", she didn't mean "New York, New York", she meant upstate New York. Potsdam probably. Only 131 km or 2 hours by car.
She and R seemed to enjoy themselves and they did plenty of mingling, although some of the other partygoers might have had the idea that Musie wasn't really interested in getting to know them if they weren't the elusive
That puppy is a shy one. He slipped away sometime after the costume prizes were awarded.
We've learned a few things about R*, some of it by implication. Here's a quick list of differences from M (Lurkers, feel free to contribute other differences in comments):
- It would appear that when driving, he does not tailgate;
- When he kisses 5M, it's not a peck; and
- He offered to help with the kitties.
In other exciting news:
The Independent Observer is alive! Apparently he was rescued by Vikings (good people those Vikings, and is recovering from his ordeal in Scandinavia.
Back to 5M:
This week, she's given us a little politics and some social commentary. We'd all agree that it's not what we read her blog for, but I for one am glad to see now and then what she's thinking about these things.
I'm also glad she's able to get counterpoint from Bob when the Dude gives her his impersonation of what a man is supposed to think and act like.
*We did identify R from clues in 5M's blog. I wonder is she has ever considered inventing details to throw us off. Put people's houses on nearby streets, give them an extra sister, use a word to name them that is evocative for her but is not tied to their actual name instead of a letter that is.