Am I the only one who is worried that if this trip goes well, we may have a far less interesting read ahead of us?
Fourth Dwarf's Place for Solitary Reflection
"witty and smug" - Harmony
"Clever" - Agatha
"Nicely done" - Francis Heaney
"I'm completely in agreement with Dwarfie..." - Westborowag
"hmmm, yes another astute analysis by the Dwarf..." - Siren
"Grumpy" - 5th Muse
"4th Dwarf, your illustration is endearing indeed" - fingers
"I like your drawings" - Lucy
"why is my snout shaped like a very stubby missile nose cone? " - Coyote
"you should draw more often" - LucyI have to say that I'm hoping it's Amnesia. I'd hate to think there's another universe out there with no Fifth Muse.
...I like talkin’ about you, you, you, you usually, but occasionally
I wanna talk about me!Toby Keith, I Wanna Talk About Me lyrics Official site
For 5M this is a problem with men, for Toby Keith it's a problem with women. So why don't they ask questions. Here are some possible answers:
What can we do about these non-questioning people?
There are a lot of websites out there that are ready to help an interested person become a better listener. Some are focussed on listening as a study skill, others for counselling or therapy and others for relationship-building. I didn't provide links to any, because we don't need those. We need a site that tells us how to make someone be a better listener.
I came across an English teaching site that had an article on using questions to carry on a mutual conversation. It raised these Points to Remember:
Possible solutions:
Saturday, she told us:...never put themselves down, as though fishing for reassurance and putting you down at the same time,...
The Dwarf always seemed to see me as particularly dreary, whereas most people who know me in person seem to find me funny.She also gave us a quote from Linda Hutcheon on the use of irony. (The quote uses expressions that I find dreary, like "discourse" and "dominant tradition".) It also seems to be saying that "saying one thing and meaning another" is a "simple sense" of irony.
Had some trouble parsing the Muse this morning.
I couldn't find yesterday's Ian Brown column in the Globe. I imagine it would have helped explain what she means.
how incommensurate to compare the visual consumption of women's naked bodies to that of unadulterated curiousity about difference.
incommensurate: adjective, (often followed by 'with') not corresponding in size or degree or extent; "a reward incommensurate with his effort"
visual consumption: I'm not getting anywhere with this. It seems to be about images being commodified, but it's not like food or energy consumption, the commodity doesn't get used up or turned into something else. Found an interesting article on 19th-Century dating that the Chair might want to look at.
unadulterated curiousity about difference: This must be the good way to be looking at women. When the viewing is not about sexual arousal or objectifying women.
It comes down to sensibility. Are there any men of sensibility?
sensibility: 1. sensitivity: (physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli; "sensitivity to pain" 2. In measurements, the smallest change that is reliably detectable. 3. refined sensitivity to pleasurable or painful impressions; "cruelty offended his sensibility" 4. Sensitive feeling, emotion. The term arose early in the eighteenth century to denote the tender undercurrent of feeling in the NEOCLASSICAL PERIOD and continued through Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility(Holman 425).
I think 5M is getting at definitions 3 and 4. But the question is, is it about how sensitive the men are? or about what they're sensitive to?