When BlogAdmin realized I'd gone 16 hours without checking in to the ESI site, he knew something was wrong. It took him until Monday morning to track me down and rescue me.
Fourth Dwarf's Place for Solitary Reflection
"witty and smug" - Harmony
"Clever" - Agatha
"Nicely done" - Francis Heaney
"I'm completely in agreement with Dwarfie..." - Westborowag
"hmmm, yes another astute analysis by the Dwarf..." - Siren
"Grumpy" - 5th Muse
"4th Dwarf, your illustration is endearing indeed" - fingers
"I like your drawings" - Lucy
"why is my snout shaped like a very stubby missile nose cone? " - Coyote
"you should draw more often" - Lucy
Dwarf, I keep lookin' & lookin' but I can't find the short guy with the pirate hat in that picture... lotsa clowns & jokers, though. Definitely.
a) I was in disguise, therefore no pirate hat.
b) I took the picture.
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