Saturday, August 27, 2005

Another one for Coyote

So this Coyote is behind a bush relieving himself when a prairie dog comes along. "Say," asks the Coyote, "does shit stick to your fur?"

"Oh, yeah," says the Prairie Dog, "big time."

So the Coyote picks up the Prairie Dog and wipes his arse with him.

There's a version of this story where a bear asks the same question of a rabbit and the rabbit says no and the bear uses the rabbit as toilet paper. Bears aren't as bright as Coyotes, I figure. It'd be like using wax paper or something. Pointless, he'd just smear it around.

1 comment:

coyote said...

By that standard of bear intelligence, there must be a lotta pretty dirty rabbits in the woods. Beats poison ivy, I guess. I wonder how the coyote in the joke caught the gopher, though? They're fast little suckers.