I haven't been posting because I began posting on two other blogs.
I haven't been posting because I haven't uploaded any food pictures and a blog is just so much more exciting with food pictures.
I haven’t been posting because my girlfriend and I have been debating about whether this color I used as a background for a form on a webpage is yellow or pink.
I haven't been posting because I've been really busy with work and really tired. I didn't even decorate for Easter, so you know I must be exhausted.
Or it could be that I haven’t been posting because I am in the middle of a very tedious and complicated move.
I haven't been posting because of several obstacles like a broken computer, traveling, and work. However, the lack of posting's mainly due to disinterest.
I haven't been posting because my job and my family keep me very busy. I don't really have much to say anyhow...
I haven't been posting because a) I haven't been in the mood, and b) I have been crafting!
I'd like to say that I haven't been posting because I have been out and about doing fun and exciting things but that would be a lie.
I haven't been posting because I've either been out of town or absurdly busy making up for all of the out of towning.
No, I haven't been posting because that would require me to spend time in front of my computer. Time that couldn't be spent playing 1701 A.D.
I haven't been posting, because I've travelled to my father-in-law's memorial service.
Wanna know why I haven't been posting? Because I'm obsessed. Shamelessly obsessed. Not even Hublet can free me from my obsession.
I haven’t been posting because I was on vacation in Las Vegas for a while, but I’m back now and I’ll get to posting ...
Okay, so I haven't been posting because I haven't been drawing (like, at ALL), but several of my new years resolutions included drawing like hell,
I haven't been posting because the Princess has an evil, evil cold. She has been a sneezing, sobbing, coughing, sniffling, miserable wretch of a baby ...
I haven't been posting because this has been a particularly challenging period in my life. My hubby closed up his office and is now working from home.
I haven't been posting because of recent events. So yeah, I shall post.
I haven't been posting because life has been pretty boring lately.
I haven't been posting because there are a few specific topics that I'd like to write about, but haven't had the time to do them justice.
I haven't been posting because I've been reading, or being read to.
I haven't been posting because, well, I haven't been thinking in that "committed progressive theoretical up on my soap box" way lately. I've been happy, ...
Anyway, I haven't been posting because my stress level has been high, and I just haven't felt like being on the PC much.
I haven't been posting because I haven't done anything different. I'm maintaining my weight, something that has become easy for me to do, but ...
I haven't been posting, because typing hurts. Long story, but I mashed my finger in a very significant way. It's cool, sure, because I can gross people out...
"I Haven't Been Posting" is brilliant!
somehow the excuses sound more interesting when lumped together. how bizarre
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