Does anyone have R's address? Perhaps we should chip in and get UPS to deliver him a Princess Diana (only $60US). Or would we need her ring size?
There's nothing wrong with cubic zirconia!
Fourth Dwarf's Place for Solitary Reflection
"witty and smug" - Harmony
"Clever" - Agatha
"Nicely done" - Francis Heaney
"I'm completely in agreement with Dwarfie..." - Westborowag
"hmmm, yes another astute analysis by the Dwarf..." - Siren
"Grumpy" - 5th Muse
"4th Dwarf, your illustration is endearing indeed" - fingers
"I like your drawings" - Lucy
"why is my snout shaped like a very stubby missile nose cone? " - Coyote
"you should draw more often" - Lucy
What is "bling", btw?
rAbId RaVeR,
you don't think that anyone would believe that a with-it mixed-case pseudonymmer like you wouldn't know what "bling" means or at least how to type define bling into google, do you?
but since you've asked, Wikipedia says:
Bling-bling is a hip hop slang term which refers to expensive jewellery and other accoutrements, and also to an entire lifestyle built around excess spending and ostentation.
It also says:
Mainstream hip hop music's fixation on bling bling and other material and luxury goods has led to much criticism from media pundits and musical critics. They charge that the phenomenon promotes consumerism and materialism, and strengthens racist arguments that young African American men are incapable of higher or more virtuous or spiritual goals than material gain, reinforcing the hood rich stereotype.
Food for thought, says I.
Relax, Guy, R's not worried about his image.
It's simply the price to pay for wedding an unreliable narrator in an unnamed Canadian city who writes a work of post-modern/feminist/colonial fiction.
R has been remarkably cool about the whole blogging thing.
Of course, R has had an easy ride compared to the lcp and the evil M. We could never figure out why M was so calm about having his asexual and inconsiderate ways exposed publicly, but perhaps he's in the "any publicity is good publicity" camp.
Plus, let's not forget that based on the blog, R is keeping the 5M satisfied, and not just with his tasty vegetable soups if you get my meaning.
Your research partner with the narrow views of both Catholicism and feminism?
I don't think we'll see any ballistics, but I do have to acknowledge that currents seem to be stirring amongst individuals who've been keeping a remarkable silence.
There are even rumours of screenplays and movie treatments.
You must have more experience with post-modern feminists than I do. My feminist friends aren't much given to ranting, not even about the Catholic church.
But if I understand you, you are saying that because the most venerated symbol of the church is a woman, the Catholic Church is good for women.
I had thought that the image of Jesus dying on the cross was the most venerated image of the Catholic church. That it's actually Mary explains why the church doesn't have such a good history of helping torture victims and fighting torture.
Here's the best part. 5th ain't even RC!
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